Friday, March 2, 2012


I had my first meal in a nice India restaurant near the studio. Up to now I've been eating at the studio or at the hotel buffet. I was enjoying both, but now I may be ruined. It was the best Indian food I've ever had.

I was taken to lunch by 3 guys from the studio. Vinod, and Dilip both work at Crest. Milind actually works for Dreamworks in Bangalore. We had a grilled chicken appetizer followed by chicken tikka masala and shrimp tikka masala and shrimp fried rice. They call the shrimp prawns here by the way. I had naan with mine. The rest of the guys had roti. The food was amazing, but it was the little interlude we had during the meal that really made it for me.

We were eating when suddenly we heard some shouts and shrieks from the table next to us, which was big group. One guy jumped up and a waiter rushed over. They scrambled around a bit. Milind turned around to look and very casually said, "Is it a ratatouille?" Yes it was a little rat running around. They tried to catch it but it got away. Most of the other guests just glanced over the went back to their meals. No big deal. I laughed out loud. "Ratatouille?" I asked still chuckling. It turns out that Pixar's Ratatouille was very popular here so rats in restaurants are now sometimes called Ratatouille.

Keep in mind this was a nice place. Yet here we are, a little rat running around and a waiter and one of the guests trying to track it down.

Yes, I'm in India.

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