Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Night Out

Milind, Dilip and Vinod took me out for drinks and a bite to eat after work on Friday. When they asked me what I wanted to eat, I put my self in their hands. I told them I was up for anything. After the lunch we had, I was curious what Indian culinary wonders might await. What mysteries would be revealed? What do people in India do to unwind on Friday night? Apparently they go to Chili's. That's where we went. And it was only 2 blocks from my hotel. It was packed and people were waiting to get in. The Rolling Stones were playing in the background and sports were on the big screen TVs. It was...Chili's.

Not all was what it appeared to be, however. The sports, Cricket. The burgers, veggie. The queso and chips was good. The hot wings were okay if a little blah, surprising in a country that thrives on outrageously spicy cuisine. The nachos were frankly weird, covered in odd spices with, a bizarrely formal presentation. But the drinks were excellent and the company even better. We talked about things completely unrelated to work and an odd fork in the conversation led to a plan for Dilip and I to catch a Bollywood movie sometime after work next week. Score!

The evening ended fairly early, which was fine with me. It had been a long week and I was tired. 7 days earlier I had been in LA being told that my flight for Mumbai was leaving in 7 hours.

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