Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Holiday and the Big 5 O

It's been a busy couple of weeks, so it's catch up time.

March 8th was Holi. It's a national holiday the celebrates the triumph of good over evil. It's also called the festival of colors. "The Festival of Colors? Why do they call it that," you ask. An excellent question with a simple answer. They spend the day throwing colored powder on each other and spraying each other with colored water with squirt guns. We celebrated the day before at work and this was the result.

The next day was even more fun.

The next Tuesday was my 50th birthday. If you had asked the list the places I had imagined spending my 50th birthday, India wouldn't have made the to 100. But here I was. I turned out to be a pretty good day. Dilip, the production manager on Dragons, came into the office and asked me if I wanted to join the team for dailies. I grunted something affirmative and followed him up. Dailies at Crest isn't like dailies at other studios Ive worked at. They don't look at shots, they go over the schedule. Ick! So I usually don't go to dailies. But he asked so I went. I followed him into the conference room and got a huge "Happy Birthday" followed by a decent rendition of Happy Birthday to You. There was a crazy huge flower arrangement and a cake.

Oh, and one more thing.

Yes that's icing on my face. I got the gentle version of the custom. They usually shove a whole piece of cake in your face and smear it all over.

There's something at work in this. Something in the culture. I just haven't figured what it is. Not that it matters. I had a great time both days.

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