Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm in India!


Yes, I am. I made it. I've been here for a few days and still settling in. I arrived at 4am so I didn't see much of the city on the way to the hotel.

The flight was great. I flew in on Turkish Airlines and I must say, business class in the way to fly. I'm going to get spoiled by this. The seats were amazing and I actually got some good sleep when I laid it down flat. Really comfy. The food was also terrific and there was way too much of it. A guy on front of me overindulged in drink and had a little falling down episode which resulted in a plane wide call for a doctor. He was fine.

The hotel is nice, but in a rough area. It's a compound that consists of 2 hotels, a convention center, a large grassy area and a very large swimming pool. Unfortunately, outside the gates, everything is gated here, there isn't anything to do or see. I'm out in the middle of an industrial area. The company is working to find me a new place in a nice part of the city so I can get out a look around. I'll probably be moving in a few days.

I'm just getting my phone today so I'll post some pictures and talk more about Idia and place I'm working. I really can't explain it without pictures. The traffic must be seen to be believed.


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