Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Early means no traffic.

I had hoped to regale you with pictures and videos of the morning traffic here, but I came in early today for a video conference with the gang in LA and there was almost no traffic. A drive that usually takes 35 to 40 minutes took less that 20. I'll save the traffic stories until I have some good stuff to show.

My driver's name is Sanjay. I'm guessing he's in his 20's. I'm not sure, his English is pretty rough and my Hindi is nonexistent. He's very nice guy and almost always smiling. We're working on the communication, but it's slow going. His job is to drive me around. That's it and I am very thankful. He picks me up in the morning at the hotel and takes me to the studio. Then he waits around all day in case I need to go somewhere. At the end of the day he drives me back to the hotel. That's a job here. Diving goofy foreigners around. Who'd a thunk.

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