Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Near Death Experience

I had my first near death experience in India last night. It wasn't trying to cross the street in the frenetic Mumbai traffic. It wasn't a deranged mugger. It wasn't even a mad bombing terrorist. It was a salad at the hotel restaurant.

A little back ground.

The first hotel I stayed at was nice, but in a rough area. Inside the gated compound was lovely. Two hotels and a convention center, a gym, a huge swimming pool. Very nice. Outside was a fairly run down industrial area. I was trapped. The studio here, Crest Animation, found me a great place in Hiranandani, much closer to the studio and in a lovely area. So yesterday I moved to the new hotel.

I'd been eating the buffet at the old place, which was very good, but decided to try something off the menu at the new place. I ordered a mixed greens salad and a toasted sandwich. When the salad came it was a little different that I had expected. A tiny little bit of lettuce in the middle o the plate surrounded by varieties of stick salad, carrots, celery, cucmber etc., arranged like the spokes on a wheel. I looked at it for a moment then said, what the heck and dugion. Now here's the good bit. It didn't really resemble anything I would have called a mixed green salad, so when I saw what looked like a single green bean nestled in the center of the lettuce I didn't give it a single though. I popped it into my mouth and started chomping away. Okay. Okay, yes, it's funny. Alright. I'll just sit here until you stop laughing.

All better now? Yes. It was a blisteringly hot green chilli disguised as a green bean. I should have known better. I'm in India. They like hot stuff here. Hottest thing Ive ever eaten in my life. I nearly passed out. I went through a giant bottle of water and the waiter brought me a glass of milk. After I had recovered somewhat I explained what had happened and he graciously brought me a nice plate of lettuce that I drowned in blue cheese dressing. I assume it was blue cheese, I couldn't really taste anything. The sandwich seemed okay. Again, I couldn't really taste it. Maybe tonight I'll stick with the buffet.

Just for Christa

This one goes out to Christa because she asked for it. My first visit to a super-market in Mumbai.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Early means no traffic.

I had hoped to regale you with pictures and videos of the morning traffic here, but I came in early today for a video conference with the gang in LA and there was almost no traffic. A drive that usually takes 35 to 40 minutes took less that 20. I'll save the traffic stories until I have some good stuff to show.

My driver's name is Sanjay. I'm guessing he's in his 20's. I'm not sure, his English is pretty rough and my Hindi is nonexistent. He's very nice guy and almost always smiling. We're working on the communication, but it's slow going. His job is to drive me around. That's it and I am very thankful. He picks me up in the morning at the hotel and takes me to the studio. Then he waits around all day in case I need to go somewhere. At the end of the day he drives me back to the hotel. That's a job here. Diving goofy foreigners around. Who'd a thunk.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm in India!


Yes, I am. I made it. I've been here for a few days and still settling in. I arrived at 4am so I didn't see much of the city on the way to the hotel.

The flight was great. I flew in on Turkish Airlines and I must say, business class in the way to fly. I'm going to get spoiled by this. The seats were amazing and I actually got some good sleep when I laid it down flat. Really comfy. The food was also terrific and there was way too much of it. A guy on front of me overindulged in drink and had a little falling down episode which resulted in a plane wide call for a doctor. He was fine.

The hotel is nice, but in a rough area. It's a compound that consists of 2 hotels, a convention center, a large grassy area and a very large swimming pool. Unfortunately, outside the gates, everything is gated here, there isn't anything to do or see. I'm out in the middle of an industrial area. The company is working to find me a new place in a nice part of the city so I can get out a look around. I'll probably be moving in a few days.

I'm just getting my phone today so I'll post some pictures and talk more about Idia and place I'm working. I really can't explain it without pictures. The traffic must be seen to be believed.
